viernes, 11 de enero de 2013


First of all, it would be perfect to introduce what a casino is:

A casino is an installation where you find different activities related on games. The casinos are usually build next to hotels, restaurants, commercials shops, cruises or other attractions.


The most popular games are: roulette, blackjack, craps, the baccarat, poker and slot machines.
In general, they follow a same role: The player bet an amount of money and if the player wins, he keeps all the money gamed on the table.


This practice is loyal because of the big percentage of taxation that the company pays.
We can say that the casinos helps to the touristic activity of a city, therefore the players use the hotels, restaurants and others.
We can find casinos in internet since 2000. Nowadays, we can meet more than 100.000 virtual casinos with thousands of players in the world.

Normally, casinos include restaurants, hotels or party rooms. In some cases, like "Las Vegas" or "Monaco", there are a big structure around the "game".

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  8. Hello! I think your first post is really interesting to introduce people to Casino's world. I'm not an expert in this world so this first attempt has been really useful for me.

    I'm gonna follow your blog as it seems really interesting.

  9. Hi! just found it interesting and amusing to know about the jame roles on a casino. I would love to know more about it, Thanks for the list of games too.


  10. Ouuuuu yeah I found it really interesting for people who loves Casinos! I would like to go there but there's no money! Keep going on it girls good job!
