jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


  • Strong management can reach its potential.
  •  Innovative Culture helps to produce unique products.
  •  Asset Leverage allows them to use their best assets to expand their business and improve their market share.
  • Size advantages  the more resources they have to pursue new markets and defend themselves against rivals.
  •  Cost advantages Lower costs lead to higher profits for casinos.
  •  Unique products Unique products help distinguish it from competitors.
  •  Technology better meet the needs of their customers in ways that competitors can’t imitate.
  • Work Inefficiencies goods and services are not being utilized properly.
  •   Online Presence is essential for displaying information and selling products.
  •  Weak Supply Chain  a weak supply chain can delay the arrival of products to casino’s customers.
  • Lack of Scale  cost per unit of output is very high.
  • Cost Structure costs are high in comparison to their competitors.
  • Online Market  offers casino the ability to greatly expand their business.
  •  Innovation  to produce unique products and services that meet customer’s needs.
  •  New services 
  • New products 
  •  New markets
  • International expansion

  • Currency  make casino’s investments difficult
  • Revenue  makes planning difficult
  •  Bad Economy  - Crisis
  • Intense Competition 
  • Government regulations 
  •  Costs 
  •  Political risks

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